Most people think of neurosurgeons as brain surgeons.
However, neurosurgeons are medical specialists who diagnose and treat disorders of the entire nervous system
– brain, spinal cord, skull and the spine (bony vertebral column). Of course, they operate on the brain, but they actually spend most of their time helping patients with spine and peripheral nerve problems, providing surgical and nonsurgical care.
Do I need surgery if I am being referred to a neurosurgeon?
Not necessarily. Your referring physician most likely believes that you have a disease or disorder which would benefit from diagnosis and treatment by a neurosurgeon. The decision whether or not to recommend surgery is a complex one best handled by your neurosurgeon and his team.
While neurosurgeons perform brain surgery, they also provide the highest level of expertise in spine disorder treatment. The majority of operations performed by neurosurgeons are spine surgeries. Neurosurgeons are trained to perform procedures on the entire spine, including the spinal cord itself.

The focus is on nervous system-related problems of the entire spine from the neck down to the lower back, including recurring pain, nerve compression syndromes, herniated intervertebral discs and spinal cord compression syndromes.
Patients may come for an initial consultation or a second opinion or complete treatment and receive a detailed diagnosis and treatment evaluation.
The term “brain surgery” refers to various medical procedures that involve repairing structural problems in the brain.
There are numerous types of brain surgery. The type used is based on the area of the brain and the condition being treated. Advances in medical technology have enabled surgeons to operate on portions of the brain without a single incision in or near the head.
Brain surgery is a critical and complicated process. The type of brain surgery done depends highly on the condition being treated. Brain surgery is done to correct physical abnormalities in the brain. These can be due to birth defect, disease, injury, or other problems.

Brain Surgery may be appropriate should any of the following conditions be present:
· Abnormal blood vessels
· An aneurysm
· Bleeding
· Blood clots
· Damage to the protective membranes
· Epilepsy
· Abscesses
· Nerve damage or nerve irritation
· Parkinson’s disease
· Pressure after head injury
· Skull Fracture
· A stroke
· Brain Tumours
· Fluid build-up in the brain

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